#LoveAtSaltHill – Rachael and Zach’s Engagement Ring Story ❤️ 🏹
We are pleased to feature couples who have celebrated their love through a piece from Salt Hill Gallery. Meet Rachael & Zach and see their engagement ring! Meet them by reading their As to our Qs below! #LoveAtSaltHill
How would you describe your jewelry style?
I love contemporary pieces with a vintage flair and traditional craftsmanship.
Can you share a bit about your love story?
We met in 2019 and had our first date at Würst Bier Hall. After that first meeting, there were few times we were ever really apart. We welcomed our son in 2021 and tied the knot in 2023. We have had a steadfast love, strong bond, and lots of loved ones near us the entire time. Not always a fairytale, but the love of our dreams.
Tell us the story of giving your partner the engagement ring. (The proposal!)
Zach proposed to me early one March morning. I was hurriedly getting our son ready for daycare when he came down the steps with a small box. I was so confused when Zach said, “okay, give it to mom!” and got down on one knee. I screamed and fell to my knees, repeatedly asking, “is this real??” I was in awe of the uniqueness of the piece, and was overcome with joy.
Is there any particular place that reminds you of your partner?
We both love the farm Rachael grew up on and spending time there with our family.
What does the ring mean or symbolize to you both?
It symbolizes the beauty and uniqueness of our relationship.
You are serving your partner their dream meal… What’s on the table?
Rachel: Chili, cornbread, and brownies
Zach: Palak paneer with basmati rice, and truffle fries
What would you tell somebody considering shopping at Salt Hill?
Taylor is a master at working with people-she is knowledgeable, kind, and her curation of meaningful pieces is unmatched.
What is one thing each of you could teach a stranger do?
Rachael: He could teach someone anything about WWII’s South Pacific theater
Zach: She could teach someone about fundraising or the Real Housewives